Savings plans need to be as individual as you are and we will work with you to create an investment strategy that suits your needs.
By utilising the best fund managers in the world, operating from the most secure and tax efficient environments available, we can help you maximise your savings potential.
Through JIIB Financial you will have access to household names such as Friends Provident, Royal Skandia, International and Generali. We provide a wealth of opportunity without adding to the cost of dealing directly with these companies. And given our position in the global financial services marketplace, we can readily avail of any of special offers become available.
PT. Equatorial Management Consulting Services
Graha Simatupang Tower II B 2nd Flr
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 38
Jakarta 12540
Phone. (6221) 29712776
Fax. (6221) 29712778