Are you missing out in the billions of lost superannuation ?
Since 2001, the amount of superannuation considered lost by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has almost tripled from A$6 billion to A$17.4 billion and every year the superannuation fund managers are charging over $130 million to manage this lost superannuation which can be avoided by consolidating your superannuation.
JIIB has been assisting Australian expats consolidate their superannuation and getting their retirement plans heading in the right direction. By consolidating your superannuation to one account you are only paying one lot of account keeping and administration fees. Most expats have worked in a number of different jobs and positions before they moved overseas and quite often each employer would recommend a different superannuation fund leaving them with their superannuation spread over a number of different super fund providers.
Just because you are an expat overseas does not mean you should forget about your superannuation back home, after all it is typically the second largest investment that an Australian has after the family home. It is a very effective tool to provide for your retirement and by taking an interest and getting involved in the management of your superannuation you may find that the extra effort may translate into better returns which will certainly assist you in the later years.
Click here to contact JIIB to find out how we can help you locate any lost superannuation and to get your retirement savings back on track.
PT. Equatorial Management Consulting Services
Graha Simatupang Tower II B 2nd Flr
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 38
Jakarta 12540
Phone. (6221) 29712776
Fax. (6221) 29712778